24 Nov 2011

How to wear 101

Barry M 101 is the nude of the drugstore world. It is cheap, very nude and the packaging is sleek and chic. What's not to love? However, many people are disappointed once they've purchased it saying it's chalky or too pale. I think the same too but if you wear it different ways it will soon become a staple in your makeup collection. So here are a few ways that I like to wear Barry M 101.

Firstly, never apply in a sweeping motion, that will give the chalky finish. To get a perfect finish by itself using a light patting motion.

I very rarely wear it by itself but if do I will usually slap a clear gloss over the top. This blends the colour better.

If you still find it's too pale for you dig out your darkest brown lipgloss and slap that over the top. You will get a nice inbetween colour to suit your skin tone. The gloss I use is Elf luscious liquid lipstick in Brownie Points.


On the lips. You would hardly know it was the same lipstick!!

The same applies if you want a nice mid tone pink. Take a bright pink gloss, here I have ELF luscious liquid lipstick in perfect pink.

Result: A gorgeous mid tone pink lip

I must sound like a broken record but the same applies if you have a scary dark red lurking at the back of your lipstick stack. Here I have Revlon matte lipstick in In the red. It's pretty scary but layered over 101 it turns into a gorgeous wearable everyday red.


Not so scary :)

I hope this has helped any of you stuck wondering how to pull off a pale nude lipstick.
I would love to know if anyone has anymore tips and tricks.

Thanks for reading

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